So how much Fuel and CO2 emissions would be saved by going to rail?
Using indépendant figures from people familiar with the railway and with experience in the industry the following fuel consumption numbers are found based on an average 55gph and 6mpg fuel consumption for train and truck respectively. Since both modes would use Diesel, the CO2 and other air emissions would be of similar proportions.
To fill a PANAMAX ship:
Train: 18 trips 12,135L
Truck: 1786 trips 45,679L
Stated Max Annual Production of Raven (1.2MegaTonnes):
Train: 286 trips 194,158L
Truck: 28,571 trips 730,862L
You can view the spreadsheet below including the Highway 4 traffic survey:
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A Summary of the results of the Highway 4 truck survey are here.